Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kant s Theory On Morality - 857 Words

The question of how we determine what is right and what is wrong has been one that has plagued humankind for centuries. Although many have tried to answer this question we have yet to find a definite answer. Adam Smith is convinced that morals are grounded in sympathy and experience. Immanuel Kant, however, is certain that morals should not be derived from experience but from pure reason. I for one believe that neither of these men are entirely correct. Both of their theories on morality are flawed in that one does not account for the human experience and the other takes the human experience too much into account. To begin with Kant’s theory is flawed in that it is founded in pure reason. Deriving morality from pure reason completely negates the human experience. Countless people believe that to be human means to make mistakes and to learn from those mistakes. Based on Kant s theory, in an ideal world no one would make moral mistakes because everything would be based on reason. This would result in a robot like creature to take the place of what we would normally call a human. Humans would no longer be influenced by emotions nor by experience, but would simply respond in a systematic way to any moral problems they encounter, which could lead to undesirable results. These results can be seen if we apply Kant s theory to Anton Chekhov’s story A Misfortune. The main character, Sofya Petrovna, faces a moral dilemma in that she is a married woman who is being approached byShow MoreRelatedKant s Theory Of Morality982 Words   |  4 PagesImmanuel Kant is said by many to be one of the most influential â€Å"thinkers† in the history of Western philosophy (McCormick, n.d.), this being said, most of his theories continue to be taught and are highly respected by society. Kant was a firm believer that the morality of any action can be assessed by the motivation behind it (McCormick, n.d.). In other words, if an action is good but the intention behind the action is not good, the action itself would be considered immoral. Those who follow theRead MoreKant s Theory On Morality1608 Words   |  7 Pagesbe arguing Immanuel Kant’s theory that â€Å"a will is good because it is good in itself† (383). This argument, presented in his work Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, is one of the key ideas brought up to support his theory on morality. I believe that Kant’s argument is essentially correct – however, with every argument comes a set of flaws, and this one is no exception. Section One starts off with a question – is anything good in itself, and if so, what is it? Kant offers to the reader severalRead MoreKant s Theory Of Morality2250 Words   |  9 Pagesphilosophical ideas of morality suggest that humans are rational beings whose actions are motivated by passions. They also suggest that reason is an essential tool in guiding the passions to realize an end goal. 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In Deontology, the end result is irrelevant meaning bad consequences have no affect on the morality of the action. The thesis I will prove is when deciding on the best course of action the principles of Deontology ethics and their emphasis on considerations of doing ones duty, offer effective framework for the moral value ofRead MoreKant And Kant s Categorical Imperative1241 Words   |  5 PagesImmanuel Kant, an 18th-century moral philosopher, had contended that the fundamental principle of morality is the Categorical Imperative, from here will be additionally labeled as (CI) or otherwise mentioned. He supported his view by suggesting a pure moral philosophy; a metaphysics of morals that is not solely for rational beings to explore different ¬ sources of basic moral principles that are found through their own observatio nal experience a priori, but additionally for the sake of morality as it

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